How to Fix the Worst Uniform in Baseball

I’m a bit of a sports nut, and I’m also a bit of a sports uniform nut. One thing that thoroughly bothers me when watching any sport is an awful set of uniforms. They can make any good team look bad and annoy me to even watch them play. Fortunately for the Rockies, Indians, Padres & Nationals, the Arizona Diamondbacks are around to make them look good.

It all starts with the horrific logo and typeface that the Diamondbacks employ along with a color scheme that’s stuck between red and crimson and for some reason is trimmed with gold. When translated into a uniform, it looks like something one of the gangs from The Warriors would wear. Not to mention that the home uniform that says D-backs can easily be manipulated to say something else.

Below is what I’m proposing their new uniforms look like, too bad it won’t make them play better. These are more classic and should keep them in style for the foreseeable future. There’s a reason why teams such as the Dodgers, Giants and Yankees have some of the best uniforms in history and are basically unchanged.

AZ Uniforms

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